Saturday - Conditions were bright and cool as we set of for Hawkesbury Junction, a seven mile, lock free run passing through Nuneaton, passing the entrance to the Ashby canal before skirting Bedworth to the junction with the North Oxford canal.
Took on water before making the 360 turn under the bridge and into the stop lock in one go (no wind today). We did plan to stop at Hawkesbury Junction but as it was such a good day for cruising we pressed on to moor at a favourite spot opposite Thorns farm beside All Oaks Wood.
Passing the Ashby Canal |
Tending her eggs. |
Sunday - I think we were up before the larks, 06:00 FL was moving away from the bank, the farmer was already at work, the air was still, cold and damp. A mist was swirling across the canal and through arched bridges. Best part of the day, a superb time to be veiwing the natural world at 3mph, pristine countryside all the way to Newbold tunnel, and we have it all to ourselves... for a while.
Rugby and Brownsover are through the tunnel, we arrive at the three Hillmorton locks as the volunteer lock keeper is clocking on. Eased up the locks we are into perhaps the finest country views this canal has to offer and they stretch all the way to our destination at Braunston.
Misty early morning start. |
Rain cloud passed over head . |
Arrived in Braunston at midday just in time to go for a Sunday carvery at the Boathouse. Braunston in the past, was a place for the working boatmen to meet up and enjoy each others company... the leisure boaters continue the tradition.